Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Eckhart Tolle

The habitual and reactive “no” strengthens the ego. “Yes” weakens it. Your form identity, the ego, cannot survive surrender.
“Doing one thing at a time” is how one Zen Master defined the essence of Zen.
Doing one thing at a time means to be total in what you do, to give it your complete attention. This is surrendered action - empowered action.
Surrender is surrender to this moment, not to a story through which you interpret this moment and then try to resign yourself to it.
For instance, you may have a disability and can't walk anymore. The condition is as it is.
Perhaps your mind is now creating a story that says, “This is what my life has come to. I have ended up in a wheelchair. Life has treated me harshly and unfairly. I don't deserve this.”
Can you accept the isness of this moment and not confuse it with a story the mind has created around it?

Wake up!

It is mind that is your sleep. You are sleeping either in the past or in the future. Both are ways of sleeping.When I say, "Wake up!" again and again, when Buddha says, "Wake up!" a simple phenomenon is indicated. Come to the present.